Using Amazon SQS and Lambda on Qovery

How to integrate Amazon SQS and Lambda on Qovery

Message queuing service enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. In this guide, we'll show you how to leverage a queue system (Amazon SQS) to build a highly scalable backend.

Using Amazon SQS eliminates the complexity and overhead associated with managing and operating message-oriented middleware and empowers developers to focus on differentiating work. With SQS, you can send, store, and receive messages between software components at any volume without losing messages or requiring other services to be available.


In this guide, we'll create a backend microservice that sends messages on an event queue. Additionally, we'll go through two ways of consuming and processing those messages:

  • We will use AWS Lambda to process events from the queue in a serverless way
  • We will use Qovery-managed backend application workers to process events from the queue

AWS SQS Lambda

As for now, Qovery does not natively integrate with AWS Lambda and SQS, but the integration part is quite easy, and we will go through it in the following steps.

The backend application and workers servers that consume messages from the queue will be fully managed and deployed by Qovery.

Let's get started.

Configure SQS

Open Amazon SQS service in AWS Console and click on Create Queue

AWS SQS Lambda

We will use the Standard queue and leave all the settings in defaults for now. Type in the name of the queue and click Create.

AWS SQS Lambda

Create Message Producer

In this step, we will deploy an app that pushes messages to the SQS queue. The source code of the app is available here.

The source code of the app is simple - it's a web server that sends messages to the SQS queue each time someone hits its API endpoint:

const command = new SendMessageCommand({});
(data) => {
// process data.
(error) => {
// error handling.

To deploy the app on Qovery, all you need to do is to fork the repository from above and create a new app adding port 3000:

AWS SQS Lambda

Afterwards, we need to add two environment variables:

  • accessKeyId - your AWS access key ID
  • secretAccessKey - your AWS secret access key

You can add them in Environment Variebles Secret section in your application settings:

AWS SQS Lambda

AWS SQS Lambda

After all the setup is all done, click the Deploy button - the application will be shortly deployed.

Create Lambda Consumers

In AWS Console, open AWS Lambda panel.

AWS SQS Lambda

For the sake of the guide, we will use a simple hello-world lambda from AWS serverless app repository.

Browse the app repository and pick the hello-world function as shown in the screenshot above, and deploy the function

AWS SQS Lambda

Create Lambda Trigger

To make our Lambdas consume messages from SQS, we will need to add a Lambda Trigger in the SQS configuration.

AWS SQS Lambda

Click on Configure Lambda Function Trigger as shown in the screenshot above and select your lambda function from the dropdown, then save the changes:

AWS SQS Lambda

Configure Permissions

Let's now grant our Lambda functions access to the SQS queue we created before.

In our lambda view, click on Configure:

AWS SQS Lambda

Then, click on a role in Execution role to get redirected to a view where we can alter our Lambda permissions.

In the role summary screen, click on Edit policy next to helloWorldrolePolicy

AWS SQS Lambda

In the SQS section, grant permissions to all Read/Write options in the Actions Access level and accept the changes:

AWS SQS Lambda

Test Lambda as an SQS Consumer Flow

To push messages to our SQS queue from the backend app deployed on Qovery, click on the Open button in the application we deployed in the previous step. It will redirect you to the API endpoint exposed by the backend app - the logic inside the application is made so that it sends messages to the SQS queue.

AWS SQS Lambda

Now, in the Monitoring section of SQS in AWS Console, we will see messages received on metrics charts:

AWS SQS Lambda

To validate that our consumer Lambdas processed the messages, navigate to your lambda Monitor panel:

AWS SQS Lambda

In the Invocations chart, you'll notice that our Lambda was triggered several times by the messages sent over the SQS.


In this part of the tutorial, we learned how to send messages over from an application deployed on Qovery to SQS and consume them from serverless Lambda functions. In the next part, we will create a scalable group of worker applications deployed by Qovery that consume messages from the same Queue.