How to create an RDS instance through the AWS console

How to create an RDS instance through the AWS console.

Qovery make it easy to create an RDS database on AWS with a few clicks. You might however want to create your own RDS instance in a separate VPC. For example in case you want to use the same instance with several Qovery clusters.


This tutorial will show you how to create an production-ready RDS PostgreSQL instance on AWS.

To connect your Qovery cluster(s) to the created RDS database, refer to this tutorial

  1. Create RDS database

    Go to the AWS RDS console and click Create database

    AWS RDS console

  2. Select your database type

    • We will need to create a dedicated VPC, so select Standard create.
    • Then chose your database type (we'll use PostgreSQL for our example) and the version.
    • Since we're creating a production database, we'll select the Production template. You can pick Dev/Test template for non-production environments.

    AWS RDS console

  3. Settings

    Select a name for your RDS instance, here my-production-database, master username and password.

    AWS RDS console

  4. Instance class

    Pick an instance class that works for your needs. You can refer to this document for more information about the different options:

    AWS RDS console

  5. Storage

    General Purpose SSD should be the right option for most cases. Chose the allocated storage that fits the needs of your application. We also advise you to Enable storage autoscaling in case you need more storage over time.

    AWS RDS console

  6. Availability & durability

    For a production setup you should Create a standby instance. For non-production usecase you can avoid it to reduce costs.

    AWS RDS console

  7. Connectivity

    • Since we want the database to live in it's own VPC, make sure to select the Create new VPC option.
    • Also select Create new DB Subnet Group.
    • We advise you to disable Public access for security reason. We'll setup VPC peering in the next guide to allow access from your Qovery clusters through private networking.
    • Finally chose Create new security group and give it a name.

    AWS RDS console

  8. Database authentication and estimated costs

    Chose Password authentication.

    AWS RDS console

    You can then click on Create database

  9. Database creation

    You should see your new RDS instance in the list of databases, with the Creating status.

    AWS RDS console

  10. Name your RDS VPC

    The VPC created for the new RDS database will be named -. For convenience you should rename it.

    Click on your database in the list, then on the VPC id.

    AWS RDS console

    You will be redirected to the VPCs list, filtered on the VPC id. Click on the edit icon in the Name column, and give it a meaningful name.

    AWS RDS console

    AWS RDS console


Your RDS database is ready. Now in order to access it from your Qovery cluster, we will need to setup VPC peering. You can find the procedure in this tutorial