Import your environment variables with the Qovery CLI

How to import your environment variables and secrets from your dotenv file with the Qovery CLI

When dealing with dozens of environment variables, it can be tedious to import them one by one. This is where the Qovery CLI with the env vars import feature helps. In this tutorial, you will learn how to import your environment variables and secrets via the Qovery CLI.

Install Qovery CLI

To download and install Qovery CLI on any Linux distribution:

$ curl -s | bash

Set your context

Once you are authenticated with qovery auth, you must choose the application where you want to set the environment variables with the command qovery context set.

connect to qovery
$ qovery auth
set the context
~/Desktop $ qovery context set
Qovery: Current context:
Organization | Qovery Community
Project | posthog
Environment | prod
Application | proxy
Qovery: Select new context
✔ Qovery Realm
✔ Posthog
✔ prod
✔ nginx-proxy
Qovery: New context:
Organization | Qovery Realm
Project | Posthog
Environment | prod
Application | nginx-proxy


With Qovery, you make the distinction between Environment Variables and Secrets. Basically, the value of a Secret is encrypted and cannot be revealed.

Let's say that we have the following dotenv file .env.development that we want to import:


The STRAPI_API_KEY and AUTH0_API_KEY_SECRET are Secrets. COLOR_BACKGROUND and API_URL are Environment Variables.

Environment Variables

To import the Environment Variables from this file we run the command qovery env import <dotenv file> and we select the environment variables to import:

$ qovery env import .env.development
Qovery: dot env file to import: '.env.development'
? Do you want to import Environment Variables or Secrets? Environment Variables
? What environment variables do you want to import? [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
> [x] API_URL=
[ ] STRAPI_API_KEY=x.xxyyyzzz

Once validated you will see the following import validation:

? What environment variables do you want to import? COLOR_BACKGROUND=fff, API_URL=
Qovery: ✅ Environment Variables successfully imported!

If during the import something goes wrong, you will see the errors and why it failed.


To import the Secrets, you need to run the same command qovery env import <dotenv file> and select the secrets to import.

$ qovery env import .env.development
Qovery: dot env file to import: '.env.development'
? Do you want to import Environment Variables or Secrets? Secrets
? What environment variables do you want to import? [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
[ ] API_URL=
> [x] STRAPI_API_KEY=x.xxyyyzzz

Once validated you will see the following import validation:

? What environment variables do you want to import? STRAPI_API_KEY=x.xxyyyzzz, AUTH0_API_KEY_SECRET=0xb33
Qovery: ✅ Secrets successfully imported!


Open your environment variables console to check that everything has been set correctly.