
Learn how to migrate your applications with Qovery

You plan to migrate to AWS (Amazon Web Services), GCP (Google Cloud Platform) or Microsoft Azure with Qovery? This guide is for you.


Here are some resources you can use to migrate your applications to your favorite cloud provider with Qovery.

Migrate from Heroku to AWSComplete guide to migrate from Heroku to AWS with QoveryQovery
Migration checklistComprehensive migration checklist to read before migrating your applications with Qovery (coming soon)Qovery
ForumList "Migration" threads from Qovery community forumCommunity

Migration assistance

Qovery provides a migration assistance to help you migrate your applications with Qovery. Contact us via the Qovery Console and ask for migration assistance via the chat.


Do you need more examples? Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask on our Community forum.