Migrate your application from Heroku to AWS

Guide on how to migrate all your applications from Heroku to AWS with your databases

This guide describes how to migrate your application running on Heroku to AWS with Qovery. It covers all required steps you need to take to deploy your application on AWS and transfer your data from Heroku Postgres to the database managed by AWS via Qovery.

We have created a new AI agent capable of migrating from Heroku to AWS, GCP, Scaleway or Azure in a few clicks. Check our announcement here.

Migration Steps

  1. Create your Dockerfile
  2. Create resources on Qovery
  3. Configure Environment Variables and Secrets
  4. Copy data from your Heroku databases to your AWS databases
  5. Deploy your apps
  6. FAQ by Heroku users

1. Create your Dockerfile

Qovery supports two ways to build and run your application coming from Heroku:

Are you familiar with Dockerfile? If not, I do recommend reading this article.

Here we will create our Dockerfiles to build and run our applications. Qovery will handle the build and the run of your applications, but need to have at least a Dockerfile to do it.

Find Dockerfile template

Pick one Dockerfile template according to the programming language or framework you are using for your app:

Here is the Dockerfile for your Rails application listening on the PORT 3000

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM ruby:2.7
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y nodejs postgresql-client
WORKDIR /myapp
COPY Gemfile Gemfile
COPY Gemfile.lock Gemfile.lock
RUN bundle install
COPY . .
# Configure the main process to run when running the image
CMD ["rails", "server", "-b", "", "-p", "3000"]
Dockerfile for Sidekiq

Here is the Dockerfile for your Rails app running as a worker mode with Sidekiq.

Dockerfile for Sidekiq
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM ruby:2.7
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y nodejs postgresql-client # add mysql client if you need to
WORKDIR /myapp
COPY Gemfile Gemfile
COPY Gemfile.lock Gemfile.lock
RUN bundle install
COPY . .
CMD ["bundle", "exec", "sidekiq"]

Copy template

Copy your Dockerfile at the root of your project. By convention, you can name your file Dockerfile. If you already have a Dockerfile, feel free to name it Dockerfile.qovery. If you are using multiple Dockerfile for Qovery, feel free to give a name like Dockerfile-sidekiq.qovery.

For our example of migrating a Rails app and a Rails Sidekiq app, I will have at the root of my project a Dockerfile.qovery and a Dockerfile-sidekiq.qovery.

Test your Dockerfile

To test your Dockerfile we will locally our container. You just need to run the following commands:

docker build -f Dockerfile.qovery .

If everything goes well you should get the finale image ID at the end of the output.

[+] Building 19.0s (16/16) FINISHED
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 37B 0.0s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> [7/7] COPY . . 0.2s
=> exporting to image 0.0s
=> exporting layers 0.4s
=> writing image sha256:a0f90a6ec8bc4036a7b268479a0c0773ca324ba2de11fdef31309650743f4055 0.0s

To run your image you can run:

docker run a0f90a6ec8bc4036a7b268479a0c0773ca324ba2de11fdef31309650743f4055

If your app required a database to starts, then it can be normal that it fails to start. Otherwise, if your app is supposed to start and does not, then you will need to fix the issue and rebuild your app with docker build -f Dockerfile.qovery .

Any error while building your container image? 2 solutions:

  1. Read the error message and try to understand from where the problem is coming from. You can "Google" the error if it is not related to your code.
  2. Open a thread on our forum if you don't find the answer there, we will be happy to assist you.

Environment variables at the build time

Does your app use some environment variables at the build time? Then you will need to modify your Dockerfile to includes the environment variables. Let's imagine your app uses the environment variable CONTENT_API_KEY, then you will need to add the following instructions in your Dockerfile:

Dockerfile with environment variables

The value of the CONTENT_API_KEY environment variable will be taken from the specified environment variables in Qovery.

Add your Dockerfile to Git

Now, add your new Dockerfile to git with the following commands:

git add Dockerfile.qovery
git commit -m "Add Qovery Dockerfile"
git push origin


If you have multiple applications to deploy, create a Dockerfile for each of them.

2. Create resources on Qovery



  1. Connect to the Qovery console.
  2. Create your Organization and your Project.
  3. Create an environment with the name production (it can be changed after).
  4. Create an application and give it a name (you can give the name of your repo if you have no idea)
  5. Select your app repository from your GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket.
  6. Select the branch you want to deploy.
  7. Specify the local listening port of your application.
  8. Click on "create"

Congrats! Your application is created 🎉

If you deploy an app from a mono-repository, we have a must-read guide for you here.


Here are the steps to deploy your database:


  1. Go to your production environment.
  2. Add your database by clicking on "Add" > "Database".
  3. Select the database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis..) and the version you want to deploy.
  4. Select Managed or Container mode for your database.
  5. Select Public accessibility (set Private if you don't want to restore your data from an existing Heroku database).

Congrats! Your database is created as well 🎉

If you use MongoDB Atlas, or an existing database on AWS that you want to connect to your application deployed by Qovery. Check out our tutorial about VPC peering and how to securely connect to your existing database.

3. Configure your Environment Variables and Secrets

Qovery makes the difference between an environment variable and a secret. Basically, a Secret is similar to an Environment Variable but the value is encrypted and can't be revealed. Both are injected as environment variables during the build and the run of your applications. More info here

To extract your environment variables from Heroku, we recommend using the Heroku CLI and exporting all the environment variables and secrets in an .env (dot env) file. Qovery supports the import of a dot env file via the Qovery web interface and the Qovery CLI.

Export your environment variable via the Heroku CLI with the command:

# To install Heroku CLI: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli
heroku config
GREETINGS: hello world
STRIPE_API_KEY: xxx-yyy-zzz

Then you can create your environment variables via the web interface (watch the video below)

Or via the Qovery CLI:

Import Heroku environment variables with the Qovery CLI
# auth yourself
qovery auth
# selection the app where you want to import your environment variables
qovery context set
# import your Heroku environment variables
heroku config --app <your_heroku_app_name> --json | \
qovery env parse --heroku-json > heroku.env && \
qovery env import heroku.env && \
rm heroku.env
Qovery: dot env file to import: 'heroku.env'
? Do you want to import Environment Variables or Secrets? Environment Variables
? What environment variables do you want to import? [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
[x] GREETINGS=hello world
[ ] STRIPE_API_KEY=xxx-yyy-zzz
> [x] IS_PRODUCTION=true
Qovery: ✅ Environment Variables successfully imported!

Connect your frontend app to your backend app

To connect your frontend app your backend app we will create an environment variable alias.

Here is how to create a frontend app:

And now how to connect your frontend app with your backend app:

You can also take a look at this forum reply to learn how to do it.

Connect your backend app to your database

Same as connecting your frontend app to your backend app, you can create an environment variable alias DATABASE_URL for the built-in secret finishing with _DATABASE_URL_INTERNAL.

4. Copy data from your Heroku databases to your AWS databases

Coming soon with Replibyte

5. Deploy your apps!

We are finally ready to deploy my applications on AWS!

Watch the final result 😎

FAQ by Heroku users

How to create a custom domain?

Check out the documentation on how to configure your custom domain.

How to monitor my apps?

We do recommend using Datadog or any other monitoring products for monitoring your apps deployed by Qovery. Check out our tutorial on how to install Datadog.

Do you have Heroku "Review App" equivalent?

Yes, it's what we call Preview Environment

How to rollback?

Check out the app rollback documentation

How auto-scaling works?

Check out the app auto-scaling documentation

How to manage database migration?

Check out our forum reply

Is it possible to get a shell / connect to my app?

Absolutely, you can connect directly to your application with a shell by clicking on the Qovery cloud shell button (1):

Qovery Cloud Shell

Then you just have to select the pod (2) and the container (3).

You can also check out our CLI and the qovery shell command.

Can I use Terraform and Infrastructure as Code?

Absolutely, we have a Qovery Terraform provider available.

How can I connect my app to MongoDB Atlas?

If you use MongoDB Atlas check out our tutorial about VPC peering and how to securely connect to your existing MongoDB Atlas database.

How can I connect my app to an AWS service not managed by Qovery?

If you want to connect your app to an AWS service not managed by Qovery, check out our tutorial about VPC peering and how to securely connect to this AWS service.

If you have a common question about Qovery, we have a more general FAQ section available.

Wrapping up

Congrats! You have migrated from Heroku to AWS. Feel free to check out our forum and open a thread if you have any question.