Monitor and reduce Kubernetes spend with Kubecost

How to deploy Kubecost with Qovery


In this tutorial, we will install Kubecost on a Qovery cluster to monitor the Kubernetes costs

  1. Add the Kubecost helm repository

    Add the Kubecost helm repository in your Qovery settings by following this documentation with these values:

    • Repository name: Kubecost
    • Kind: HTTPS
    • Repository URL:
  2. Deploy the Kubecost helm chart

    Deploy the Kubecost helm chart in your Qovery environment by following this documentation with these values:

    • General:
      • Application name: Kubecost
      • Source:
        • Helm source: Helm repository
        • Repository: Kubecost (the name given during the kubecost helm repository added in the previous step)
        • Chart name: cost-analyzer
        • Version: 1.108.0 (this guide works with the version 1.108.0 and that needs to be adapted if you use another version)
      • Allow cluster-wide resources ✔️
    • Values
      • Values override as file:
        • File source: Raw YAML
        • Raw YAML:
    kubecostToken: qovery.env.KUBECOST_TOKEN #Used only if you have a Kubecost Token

    Then click on Create and Deploy

  3. Expose Kubecost

    Check the cost-analyzer service name in the deployment logs, example: helm-z325f0565-kubecost-cost-analyzer

    Service name

    Go in your helm chart settings under the Networking section and add a new port by clicking on Add port, and set these values:

    • Service name: helm-z325f0565-kubecost-cost-analyzer (the service name taken from the deployment logs)
    • Service port: 9090
    • Select protocol: HTTP
    • Port name: You can customize it or let the default port name.

    Add port

    Then click on Create and redeploy your helm in Qovery.

    A URL will be generated to access the Kubecost frontend application:



You now have Kubecost running on your Qovery cluster. You can check their Getting Started guide to familiarize yourself with the product: