Helm Repository

This section allows you to define the list of helm repositories that can be used within your organization. Only helm charts stored on those helm repositories are allowed to be deployed on your cluster.

You can access this section by opening the Organization Settings -> Helm Repositories

How to access your organization settings


Create a Helm Repository


By clicking on "Add Repository" you will be able to create a new Helm Repository by filling these information:

  • Repository Name
  • Description
  • Kind:
    • HTTP: for standard helm repository
    • OCI_ECR: for AWS private OCI-based registries
    • OCI_SCALEWAY: for Scaleway OCI-based registries
    • OCI_DOCKER_HUB: for Docker Hub OCI-based registries
    • OCI_PUBLIC_ECR: for AWS public OCI-based registries
    • OCI_GENERIC_CR: for Generic OCI-based registries
    • OCI_GITHUB_CR: for Github OCI-based registries
    • OCI_GITLAB_CR: for Gitlab OCI-based registries
  • Repository Url: the url of the repository (example: oci://registry-1.docker.io/repository, https://helm.datadoghq.com etc..)
  • Credentials: these depend on the chosen repository type. If a helm repository is public, you don't need to fill this part.
  • Skip TLS verification: to activate the helm argument --insecure-skip-tls-verify

Now that you have created the repository, you can start using it in order to create and deploy a helm chart using the images stored within it.

Modify or Delete an existing repository

You can modify an existing helm repository by clicking on the "Wheel" button next to it You can delete an existing helm repository by clicking on the "Trash" button next to it
