Validate the installation

To verify that everything works fine on brand new installation, we will deploy a few simple applications.

Step 1: verify container deployment

  1. Create an environment

    Open the Qovery console and access the "Environment" section.

    Add a new environment and select as target the cluster that was created in the previous step.

  2. Create an application

    Within this environment, create a new service of type Application.

    Fill the fields this way:

    • Name: test
    • Application source: Container Registry
    • Registry: Dockerhub public
    • image name: stefanprodan/podinfo
    • image tag: 6.5.2

    Click on Continue until the installation recap is displayed. Now click on Create and deploy.

  3. Follow the deployment

    The application will start the deployment and you can follow it opening the Log button or by pressing on the Deployment status

    Test container

    After a few seconds, the deployment should end and the message Deployment of Container succeeded should be displayed in the deployment logs.

    You should now see at least one pod running on your cluster with the specified container.

  4. Verify Qovery functionalities

    Click on the log button to access the Live logs section.

    You should be able to: 1) access the log of the deployed application 2) retrieve the running status of the application from the element next to the Live logs tab

    Test container

Step 2: verify application public exposure and TLS

  1. Expose container publicly

    Open the settings of the container created in the step 1. Open the section Port

    Add one port with:

    • Application port: 9898
    • Protocol: HTTP
    • Publicly exposed: true

    Add the port and then click on Re-deploy now banner.

  2. Follow the deployment

    The application will start the deployment and you can follow it opening the Log button or by pressing on the Deployment status

    Test container

    After a few seconds, the deployment should end and the message Deployment of Container succeeded should be displayed in the deployment logs.

  3. Check the accessibility

    Click on the "Link" button and select one of the URLs of the list.

    Application Link

    You should be able to access the podinfo homepage with a valid certificate.

Step 3: verify storage availability

  1. Create a database

    Go back to the environment page and create a new service of type Database.

    Fill the fields this way:

    • Name: test-db
    • Database Mode: Container
    • Database type: Mysql
    • version: select one from the list
    • accessibility: private

    Click on Continue until the installation recap is displayed. Now click on Create and deploy.

  2. Follow the deployment

    The databse will start the deployment and you can follow it opening the Log button or by pressing on the Deployment status

    After a few seconds, the deployment should end and the message Deployment of Database succeeded should be displayed in the deployment logs.

    You should now see at least one pod running on your cluster with the specified container and you should be able to access your database from within you cluster (you can retrieve the connection string via the button Connection URI available in the database overview targetCPUUtilizationPercentage)