
This guide will provide inputs about maintenance with Qovery. Qovery provides automatic and silent updates as much as possible. With and without cloud providers.

Kubernetes and components, patches, and upgrades

Qovery manages Kubernetes updates through the Cloud provider update mechanism and ensures full compatibility with all deployed infrastructure components (Nginx ingress, cert-manager, CNI, CSI, etc.) inside the Kubernetes cluster.

Security patches and minor updates are applied automatically and silently by the cloud provider. Kubernetes major updates are applied automatically by Qovery to ensure compatibility between every deployed components inside the cluster.

Managed services patches and upgrades

By default, every managed service deployed by Qovery is configured with automatic patches and upgrades proposed by the cloud provider.

Major version upgrades are up to the end user to decide when it's the right time to upgrade.

Cloud providers' limits

Cloud providers are using quotas for various reasons. Some of them are to prevent abuse, some others are to prevent overloading the infrastructure, and others are to prevent an excessive bill.

It occurs that some customers are reaching the limits of their cloud provider. In this case, Qovery gives the information in the infrastructure or applications logs.

It is up to the customer to contact the Cloud provider via ticketing support to increase the limits.

Rotating system credentials

Some customers want to rotate their system credentials because on legal requests, security requirements, or other reasons. Qovery provides makes it simple to rotate credentials.

Here is the way we recommend to avoid any downtime on your cluster and for your application deployments. Open your AWS console and open the Qovery user in the IAM service.

User select

Click on the Security credentials tab, you will see one access key present:

User select

For a single account, we can create up to two access keys. So we can create a new one, request a cluster deployment, wait for the deployment to be done, and then delete the old one.

You can now 2 ways to rotate your credentials, select the one you prefer:

  • Manual: you update manually credentials from the Qovery interface
  • Automatic: you update automatically credentials with a script

Manual rotation

You can update or rotate manually credentials on your AWS account this way:

User select

  1. Click on the Create access key button
  2. Save the access key and secret access Key in a safe place
  3. Go to your Qovery dashboard to update the credentials on Qovery console.
  4. Deploy the cluster once again to apply changes
  5. Once the cluster is fully updated, wait 2h (to ensure all ongoing deployments are done)
  6. Delete the old access key from the AWS console:

User select

Automatic rotation

Another way to do it more programmatically. Here is a script to perform those actions, adapt it to your needs if you need and add it to your

############## VARIABLES AND INSTRUCTIONS ##############
# Ensure you have jq and awscli installed
# 1. Ensure your AWS environment variables are set:
# 2. AWS username to perform the rotation
# 3. Use qovery CLI to generate a dedicated token
# 4. Organization ID can be retrieved inside the Qovery console URL, where your cluster is located
# 5. Get your credentials: curl -s -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Token $qovery_token" "$organization_id/aws/credentials"
# 6. Name of the credentials to update
credentials_name="My organization credentials"
# 7. Cluster ID can be retrieved inside the Qovery console URL, where your cluster is located
# 8. Set the delay to wait before deleting the old key in seconds (do not go below 7200)
############## DO NOT EDIT ##############
set -e
echo "[+] Ensure there is only one Access Key"
old_aws_access_key=$(aws iam list-access-keys --user-name $aws_iam_username | jq -r '.AccessKeyMetadata[].AccessKeyId')
if [ $(echo $old_aws_access_key | grep -c ' ') -ne 0 ]; then
echo "ERROR: more than one access key found, please delete the one not used by Qovery"
exit 1
if [ "$old_aws_access_key" == "" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: no access key found, are you sure it's the correct user?"
exit 1
echo " -> Current (future old) key detected: $old_aws_access_key"
current_time=$(date +"%s")
max_time=$((current_time + delay_before_delete_old_key))
echo "[+] Create a new Access Key"
new_aws_access_key_json=$(aws iam create-access-key --user-name $aws_iam_username)
new_aws_access_key=$(echo $new_aws_access_key_json | jq -r '.AccessKey.AccessKeyId')
new_aws_secret_key=$(echo $new_aws_access_key_json | jq -r '.AccessKey.SecretAccessKey')
echo " -> Successfully created a new access key: $new_aws_access_key"
echo "[+] Update Qovery credentials"
curl -s -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token $qovery_token" -d "{\"name\": \"$credentials_name\", \"access_key\": \"$new_aws_access_key\", \"secret_key\": \"$new_aws_secret_key\"}" "$organization_id/aws/credentials/$credentials_id" 1>/dev/null
echo "[+] Deploy the cluster with the new credentials"
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token $qovery_token" "$organization_id/cluster/$cluster_id/deploy" 1>/dev/null
echo "[+] Wait for the cluster deployment to be done"
sleep 15
while [ "$cluster_status" != "RUNNING" ]; do
sleep 60
cluster_status=$(curl -s -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token $qovery_token" "$organization_id/cluster/$cluster_id/status" | jq -r '.status')
echo " -> $(date "+%H:%M") Waiting for the cluster deployment to be done. Current status: $cluster_status..."
# Ensure the cluster is in a valid state
if [ "$cluster_status" != "DEPLOYMENT_QUEUED" ] && [ "$cluster_status" != "DEPLOYING" ] && [ "$cluster_status" != "DEPLOYED" ] && [ "$cluster_status" != "RUNNING" ]; then
echo "ERROR: the cluster does not have a correct status, please check cluster logs and fix the issue. Then delete the key $old_aws_access_key and retry"
exit 1
if [ $(date +"%s") -gt $max_time ]; then
echo "ERROR: timeout reached, the cluster is not deployed yet, please check cluster logs and fix the cluster issue. Then delete the key $new_aws_access_key and retry"
exit 1
echo "[+] Waiting up to 2h to ensure all ongoing deployments are done ($(date -d @$max_time))"
while [ $(date +"%s") -lt $max_time ]; do
sleep 10
echo "[+] Delete the old Access Key"
aws iam delete-access-key --access-key-id $old_aws_access_key --user-name $aws_iam_username
echo "[+] Done"

You will see the following output:

[+] Ensure there is only one Access Key
-> Current (future old) key detected: xxx
[+] Create a new Access Key
-> Successfully created a new access key: yyy
[+] Update Qovery credentials
[+] Deploy the cluster with the new credentials
[+] Wait for the cluster deployment to be done
-> 15:04 Waiting for the cluster deployment to be done. Current status: DEPLOYING...
-> 15:05 Waiting for the cluster deployment to be done. Current status: DEPLOYING...
-> 15:06 Waiting for the cluster deployment to be done. Current status: DEPLOYING...
-> 15:07 Waiting for the cluster deployment to be done. Current status: RUNNING...
[+] Waiting up to 2h to ensure all ongoing deployments are done (Fri Nov 11 03:22:57 PM CET 2022)
[+] Delete the old Access Key
[+] Done