Installing on AWS EKS

In this section, we will explain how to install Qovery on an EKS cluster running on your AWS account.


Have a look at the Requirements section.

Install your cluster

If you don't have already an EKS cluster, create one on your AWS account and create a set of worker nodes with enough resources to run Qovery and your applications.

For the Kubernetes requirements, check the requirements section.

For your EKS cluster, make sure that:

  • you have the Kubeconfig of the cluster
  • (only if you want to use databases of type container with Qovery) the EKS worker nodes have a role assigned with the permission AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy

Get the AWS credentials

  1. Create IAM user for Qovery

    Create an IAM user on your AWS account and add the following in-line permissions to the user:

    "Statement": [
    "Action": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": "*"
    "Action": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": [
    "Action": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": "*"
    "Version": "2012-10-17"
  2. Create access keys

    To create an access key id and secret access key, go to the Security Credentials tab of the Qovery user and press Create access key

    You can now save the access key id and secret access key

  3. Allow access to the cluster

    Once the user is created, make sure it has the proper access permissions on the EKS cluster (system:masters). Example with eksctl

    eksctl create iamidentitymapping --arn <iam_user_arn> --region <cluster_region> --username <user_name> --cluster <cluster_name> --group system:masters

Install Qovery

  1. Create a cluster on the Qovery console

    Login to the Qovery console, and create a "Self-Managed" cluster.

    Set the name of the cluster (1), the installation type Self-Managed (2) and add as Credentials (3) the AWS key that you have created in the previous step.

    Create Self-Managed cluster

    Add your cluster kubeconfig file, and click on "Continue".

    Add your Kubeconfig

    Verify your setup and create the cluster. At the end of this step, the cluster is created on the Qovery platform but not yet running on your AWS account.

    Create the cluster

    After creation, you'll finally be able to download a file containing the Qovery configuration for your cluster. The content of this file will be used later.

    Override Helm chart config

    Here is an example of the content override of the file:

    clusterId: &clusterId XXXXXXX-XXX...
    clusterShortId: &shortClusterId zXXXX
    organizationId: &organizationId XXXXXXX-XXX...
    jwtToken: &jwtToken "..."
    domain: &domain ""
    domainWildcard: &domainWildcard "*"
    qoveryDnsUrl: &qoveryDnsUrl https://xxx
    lokiUrl: &lokiUrl http://loki.qovery.svc:3100
    promtailLokiUrl: &promtailLokiUrl http://loki.qovery.svc:3100/loki/api/v1/push
    acmeEmailAddr: &acmeEmailAddr "set-by-customer" # set your email address here for Let's encyrpt notification
    externalDnsPrefix: &externalDnsPrefix "qvy-zxxx-"
    architectures: &architectures "AMD64

    Note: you can access again this installation section using the 3 dots button next to the cluster name.

  2. Prepare the values.yaml file

    Now we have to build a values.yaml file to be used during the installation of the Qovery Helm charts on your cluster.

    You will find in the helm chart git repository a non exhaustive list of values example files that you can use to build your own configuration. The full list of parameters that can be configured within a values file can be found in the Configuration page.

    In the repository we provide two examples for AWS:

    • values-demo-aws.yaml: this a pre-configured version to quickly setup Qovery on a demo cluster (do not use this configuration in production)
    • values-aws.yaml: in this version you have to customize the entire Qovery installation. Adapt it based on your needs.

    Once you have downloaded the example values file that you want to use:

    • replace the qovery configuration part with the configuration retrieved from the Qovery console (see previous step)
    • update the configuration based on your needs. You can find all the possible parameters and configurations within the Configuration page.
    • make sure that every parameter has a value, there's a placeholder set-by-customer when your input is required.
  3. Install Helm command line tool.

  4. Add Qovery Helm repository.

    helm repo add qovery
    helm repo update
  5. Install Qovery on your Kubernetes cluster.

    helm upgrade --install --wait --atomic --create-namespace -n qovery -f <your-values-file.yaml> \
    --set services.certificates.cert-manager-configs.enabled=false,services.certificates.qovery-cert-manager-webhook.enabled=false \
    qovery qovery/qovery
    • -n qovery: the namespace where Qovery and its dependencies will be installed
    • --set...: override (only for the first deployment time, if you want to use Cert-Manager) to let cert-manager install its CRDs
    • -f your-values-file.yaml: the values file you've downloaded, overrided with the Qovery config and your custom config
    • qovery/qovery: name of the chart to deploy
    • qovery: name of the release

    If you want to use Cert-Manager, you can remove the --set... for the future updates (or if already installed):

    helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n qovery -f <your-values-file.yaml> qovery qovery/qovery

    That's it, you can now use Qovery on your own Kubernetes cluster!

Validate the installation

Follow the steps here.

Further configuration

Now that you have installed Qovery on your cluster, you can modify its configuration based on your need following the Qovery BYOK configuration guide.